No risk, no reward
The quote inspiring today’s blog is brought to you by @sheisunstoppable_. I believe the words above can apply to a wide array of situations. Without some degree of risk, there is no real reward…or at least that’s what I found to be true. In anything. It’s ok to be a little scared, a little nervous, a little weary. All my life, I’ve always been the one to play it safe. The goody goody. Never one to do anything risky, or especially anything that made me feel uncomfortable. And until I did, my life was eh, just okay. It wasn’t until i gathered up the courage to start living outside of my comfort zone that I really started living. Yes, I graduated at the top of my High School and College Classes, but so what. It wasn’t significant enough in the grand scope of things. Yes, I was educated, but so were many of my peers and good friends. For me, it was expected. It didn’t get me a better job, or any job, for that matter. At the end of the day, it really didn’t make me happy, either. I needed something that didn’t come a dime a dozen. Afraid of public speaking? I didn’t stop until I was the lead in a musical. Went from white to black belt in mixed martial arts in 5 years. Those two were big for me. Other than that, I was shy, timid, don’t even notice little Danielle. On stage, on the mat or in a tournament, I was somebody…I had a voice! In fact, stepping out of my comfort zone is exactly what led me to meet my husband. I had finally gone for the one in the completely opposite direction from everyone else leading up to him. I went for the guy that I didn’t know from somewhere else. He wasn’t from school, from work, from friends. He was this mysterious guy that just dropped in out of nowhere and happened to come into my life when I stopped looking around. Under his rough exterior, he wound up being the one I never knew I wanted. He was my greatest risk and I’m so happy to say that still remains true after almost 15 years and 2 kids together, I wouldn’t trade a thing. In summation, take the risk. After all, life’s all about the journey; and it makes the end result that much more worthwhile ♛