But is it authentic?
Nowadays, you’re likely to find less people being truly authentic, and more people putting up a facade trying to keep up with the times, portraying a persona of what society "expects" them to be. And we all know them. At the end of the day, the only person you have to live with is yourself. People are so much more comfortable living the “fake it till you make it” lifestyle. I’m not saying by any means put your hardships on display, (because we all know that one person, maybe a few, who give us plenty to read about on Facebook), but live as your true self. You have to wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror, and be happy with what you see. No matter what. And if it’s someone that you’re completely not, that’s totally fine - just don’t expect the people closest to you to feed into it. Cause they all see right through it. They always will. Quick story - I’ve been broke, and I’ve been not so broke. But, I’ve never let it change me..ever. And let me tell you - no matter how blessed you may be or not be, it’s never enough. You always want more…Nobody EVER lives within their means. Whether you have $100 to your name or $1 Million. That’s the truth.
It takes an awful lot to let your guard down, and show the world the true you. It’s something that’s hard to do, nerve wracking, and downright scary, but let’s face it - if you can’t be true to yourself, how can you expect anyone else to? As the quote says, Make a conscious choice of how you want to live. Who’s the real you? ♛