Ma’am, there’s been a situation…
And on this day, exactly 10 years ago, which started out as just “another day on the battlefield” almost ended up quite different. A really bad kind of different. I’m talking close to death different. One of the many times my husband almost lost his life, this one just hits a little different. I’ll never forget the series of phone calls that day that flooded my blackberry in the middle of the night from Chris, and then his superiors trying not to scare me too much while telling me the most watered down version of what really happened. Trying to hear the broken dialogue between the spotty service, my tears and screaming, all I could make out was “injured, explosion, firefight.....and then I waited for it. “Still alive”. The terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach didn’t go away until he came home some months later. If you ask Chris, I’m sure he’ll tell you the whole story. Blessed and thankful doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling. #HappyAliveDay #MyWoundedWarrior #USArmy #DeltaCo #OEF