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I’m not talking about “I have a presentation to finish for work, a paper to write for grad school, laundry and dishes piling up, and soccer practice to get to”. In this industry, I’m talking about, “Can I completely run this family and deal with everything that comes along with it every time my husband is away…knowing that I can’t call or text him whenever, (depending on what time zone he’s in) and just have to wait for him to get in touch with me”? “How am I going to maintain the kid’s doctors appointments/ parties we’re invited to/ family gatherings / everything else entirely by myself while my husband is traveling and working? Lots of love & support from family, friends, and at times, hired help! My advice- never, I mean NEVER be ashamed to ask for help! Especially if you’re like me, one of those people who’s always willing to go out of their way for everyone, offering to help with anything they may need….this is why. You never know when you’re going to be in a position where you need someone to step in and give you a little help….whether it be babysit so you don’t miss a function, or literally just give you company for a day and sit on the couch playing with the kids so you can go take a shower (and get a moment’s peace). To all those who have helped and continue to help us all the time, we sincerely thank you. Although it definitely does feel like we’re a browser with 2,876 tabs open all the time, the help and support we get from all of you makes it a little bit easier ♛