When I need you


The above couldn’t be more true. Growing up, I used to hear all the time that success (and wealth) changes people. Now as an adult, I can tell you that I agree, it ABSOLUTELY does… and I’m about to explain why. (This is a long one, folks). When you’re first starting out, maybe moving out of your house for the first time to live with your then boyfriend/girlfriend, going to work that dreadful 9-5 to bring home just enough to get by, looking forward to that one good summer vacation each year, you’re just as good as everyone else, who’s doing the same. No better, no worse. Hustling, breaking your ass for someone else. We get it...we’ve all been there. We‘ve all had a seat on the same merry-go-round complaining about the very same things. The pay. The commute. The long hours. The unfairness. Trying to desperately get a job, or desperately leave a job. Round and round. The same story. It’s a commonality that most of us have shared at one point. But how long is it going to last? Most people have the “it is what it is” or “what are you gonna do” mentality where they think the job or industry that they’re in is all there is/ they can’t do anything else/ it’s too late to start something new/ they’re too old/ some other excuse. In the mind of an Entrepreneur, something different happens. We can’t stand taking all of our skills, knowledge and experience and letting someone else benefit. The pat on the back, the “good job” or a little bonus here and there just isn’t enough…we want more. The thought of answering to someone else, asking permission for a day off for the rest of our career eats us alive. Completely done with our lives being just eh, okay. So, what do we do? We don’t stop until we make a new opportunity…we create a way out…sometimes even a new industry. Building an Empire and paving our own way. Ask ANY entrepreneur and they’ll tell you the same thing. We share similar mindsets and have commonalities as well. Want to be our own boss, make our own rules, live with both financial freedom, and the freedom of choice. But it’s hard…really hard. And don’t get me wrong, it’s a very competitive world out there, being that over 50% of start up businesses fail within the first five years, but entrepreneurs have untapped motivation to succeed.

Once we do start to succeed everything will slowly change. Not only our thought process about just about everything, but we evolve into different people. We have a new outlook on life and what hard work will get you (after all, we’re a result of never ending determination). The lazy, unmotivated just-getting-by former selves we used to be now cease to exist… along with that, comes a little attitude, a little edge, a little arrogance, and an uncanny urge to settle for nothing but success (*quick plug for my hubby’s new line “Settle for Success” S4S). But it’s the truth. And also unavoidable. With success, comes wealth, with wealth comes success. And now we see ourselves sitting on a very different merry-go-round having very different conversations with a new group of like-minded individuals like our (new) selves. And the big leagues are no joke. Competitive, risky and cut-throat, couples with lots of stress and sleepless nights. So you must understand, that when we go back to that old merry-go-round of the “old us” and “old ways”, things will now be different. Very different. Some understand, most won’t unless you’ve been there.

Some things remain unchanged, though. Many people live by the ideology that they need to be needed. Let me say this again. They need to be needed. If you need them, you’re in their good graces (I’m talking half a phone ring good graces) and it’s because nothing other than the simple fact that YOU need THEM, and people live to be needed. Once you outgrow your financial/ housing/ job/other favor-wise need of them, you outgrow those old conversations, hop off that old merry-go-round, and realize how much they’ve truly changed. They change the way they treat you, they change the tone and directions of conversations with you, they change everything. You start to drift, the distance becomes real. What do we even talk about now? Unanswered calls/ texts, and you become a see-ya-when-I-see-ya kind of relationship. Because they know that you’re different now, so they’re different now, and everything is different now. And they’re right…because it is.

But as the quote above states - Just because I’m doing well doesn’t mean I don’t need you.

Let me be clear - I may not need you for the things I did in the past, whatever they may be, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want your time, your company, maybe a visit, a call just to see what’s going on or a listening ear. It’s very possible to need someone for something other than what they can do for you. And that’s the thing that most people don’t understand. They wait for that text or their phone to ring so they can say, “What does this person need from me?” When the answer is nothing, they don’t know how to react. Entrepreneurs are so used to not needing anyone and clawing our way out from the bottom to climb and get knocked down and climb and get knocked down again that once all of our hard work starts paying off, all we want to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy life. And we want to do it with you. That’s what you don’t get. By you being by our side, hanging out, maybe getting together for dinner once in a while, or dropping by for a random visit, you’re giving us exactly what we need. At the end of the day, you can either fly with us, or have that see-ya-when-i-see-ya relationship. We’ve made our choice, now the choice is yours ♛