Flatten the curve
The following is so true.
Everyone is applauding everyone during this Pandemic but our children!! These little heroes have stayed indoors more than they’ve ever known in their lives. Their whole worlds have literally been turned upside down. All these rules they’ve never known. A life they couldn’t have imagined. Adults talking about others becoming unwell, news reporting death after death. Our poor children’s minds must be racing. Every day they get up and carry on despite all that’s going on and all they’ve done is paint pictures and put stuff in their windows for the “heroes” out in the world. So here’s to our little heroes: today, tomorrow, forever ❤️
One thing I believe 100% is that EVERY SINGLE essential worker right now should be offered Hazard Pay and Overtime, at the very minimum. These superheroes are literally risking their lives and their family’s lives daily for weeks now to save yours. I don’t believe, however, that anyone deserves to get their student loans wiped away more than anyone else does. There are many people who worked really hard to pay off their loans, and many that still have them due to a number of circumstances. I think being compensated properly definitely trumps having student loans absolved in this situation.
The only person who’s left this house in 70 days has been my husband. As much as it pains me, especially in this last week that I’ve had, all I want to do is run into my mom’s arms and hug her. But I can’t. The idea of someone in my house getting sick is something we’re doing our best to avoid. This is one of those times that you have to put your own feelings aside, and truly put your family and children first. I pray for that family and their speedy recovery 🙏🏼🙏🏼
If you have young kids and they like Sesame Street, there is a special available now that definitely is not one to miss. It’s a “virtual playdate” done in the style of a multi-person FaceTime led by Elmo, and (in typical Sesame Street style) does a really good job of breaking down the very important and sometimes confusing situation of what’s going on right now. It goes over the proper protocol of hand washing, not touching your face etc. in a way that little kids can understand. We watch it all the time now Thank you Elmo!